Sunday, May 3, 2015

Good Friends and Bad Influences

I am a firm believer in surrounding yourself with the right kind of people. And I think that for a lot of us, we tend to build up our group of friends and acquaintances and then never pare down. There are sometimes when I really have to examine my inner circle. Who do you really care the most about? Who really cares the most about you?

There are times when "bad influences" plague our lives--those that knock us down or count us out or don't count on us at all. There are those that pull us down to their level or down paths that we don't want to go. There are people that don't listen, don't pay attention, or don't care. And those are the people that, though we might not realize it, are hurting us the most.

I've recently begun to eliminate those types of people from my life--the "rainy day" friends who float in and out of my life, the people who show no interest in my wellbeing, and those people who I know, deep down, do not align with the type of person I want to be. And believe me, though it might feel odd and unusual to be getting rid of these so-called "friends" (I mean, really, who wants to claim that they have less friends?), you won't believe the difference it makes. Instead of having more so-so friends, you are left with those who really, truly care--the group, no matter how small, that will always have your back.

There are people in our lives that make us laugh or smile or that just make us feel good. There are those that pick us up when we're down, ask what's wrong, and wait for the answer, listening with genuine care. We benefit from them just as much as they benefit from us, making us feel needed and appreciated all at the same time. They support you  and love you and they're here for you no matter what. Appreciate these people in your life. There are true friends, ones that will make you better and happier and more successful. And you really can't ask for anything better than that.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Saying Goodbye

It is a simple fact in this world: everything cannot stay the same forever. People cannot stay stagnant. We move, we change, we want bigger and better things. And though we may not realize it, when we leave those places and those situations, we also leave those people whom we have touched. We live in a world of constant change, where people come in and out of our lives so quickly, and there are some of us who can accept this better and more gracefully than others.

I have previously expressed that I do not do well with change. I am a creature of habit, though I have been taking some risks and trying some new things lately. There are moments in life when I feel as though, finally, everything in one facet of my life or another is beginning to take shape, beginning to settle, beginning to feel right. And then, without fail, the rug gets pulled out from underneath me, and I am left with a sort of empty feeling. Every few years, I experience a loss like this. People move away in high school, then friend groups spread out to different colleges across the country. Workmates find other jobs and new school friends take different classes, never to be seen again.

Sometimes, you have to say goodbye to someone with whom you have grown very close. Those are the ones that leave the biggest hole, the deepest emptiness, the most pain. They are the ones that you can count on, the ones that listen, the ones that you always text first because they're the ones that deserves to know the good news before anyone else. They are the ones that care, the ones that you feel most comfortable with, and the ones that you could never imagine being without. Until one day, they are slipping out of your fingers and out of your life.

But though their departures are always the most painful, those kind of goodbyes also come with the most happy memories. Laughs and smiles and hugs. Secrets shared and stories told. Special moments and everyday routines. Inside jokes and silly names. And though they are moving on, physically out of your life, they will never be completely gone. One text, one phone call, one letter, one car ride away. Quoting a line from Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban:

"But know this; the ones that love us never really leave us. And you can always find them in [your heart.]"

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Trying New Things

There are moments in our lives where routine takes hold, and we are inevitably stuck in the same old rut, just going in circles. We become trapped in an endless cycle of work, or school, or life in general, with no way out, with nothing different to shake things up. No progress, no adventure, and sometimes, no fun.

I am, admittedly, one of those people who loves routine. It's safe, it's comfortable, and I know what to expect. But, sometimes, change is meant to happen. You cannot grow without some sort of change. Sometimes, risks are worth every moment spent agonizing over a decision, big or small, and the reward can be great.

Though I tend to stay within the relative confines of routine, on some occasions, I am gutsy enough to take risks. I typically make the decision, and then spend hours, days, weeks wondering if I made the right choice or why I said yes in the first place. And then, the day comes, and when it is over, I don't know why I worried in the first place. The accomplished feeling washes over me, and I spend the rest of the day happy and content.

The unknown scares me. Failing scares me. For me, taking risks is not only about doing something new, it is also about facing those fears. People have encouraged me to break out of my comfort zone before, and I am slowly learning to do so. And that is why I try to encourage others to do the same. Flip-flopping on a decision? Go for it. Especially if it is something new or exciting. You never know what you may find.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

The Father-Daughter Bond

There is something special about the relationship between father and daughter. No other bond compares to the closeness a dad and his little girl can achieve in their lifetimes. It is a magical thing, something that cannot accurately be described in full.

He is the one man in her life that will love her unconditionally for her entire life. From the first moment he holds her in his arms, he will never let her go. Though the other men in her life may come and go, her dad will always stay her one true constant. He is the man she will look up to -- from literally looking up to him in her early years, to admiring him later in life. Every other man that she meets will be compared him in the way that he treats her. He will be her first knight in shining armor, and no other man will ever come close to loving her as much as he does.

She will keep him wrapped around her finger for his entire life, simultaneously learning from him and teaching him throughout. She will release his inner child, showing him imaginary worlds of splendor and dressing him up in sparkles and jewels. She will provide him with unlimited hugs and kisses and the cutest smiles in the world. Her laugh will be music to his ears. And then, all too soon, she will grow up much too fast for his liking, but she will always be his little girl no matter what. She will call him when the car begins to act up, when she is scared, when she needs advice, and he will be happy to help her in any way that he can.

A father and a daughter have a special relationship like no other. They are each other's best friends, providing unconditional love through thick and thin as the years go by. In little moments and big occasions, they will form a unique bond that cannot be replicated, strengthened by love and admiration, always and forever.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015


Hello, all,

It is my intention with this blog not to write about anything specific in my life. Not about what happened at work today, or what assignments I have for school, or what my social calendar looks like for the week ahead. I kept a blog like that once, a sort of preteen girl's online version of a diary, which worked well for my life then, but not for my life as of right now.

No, my intention is to capture my thoughts, feelings, and opinions through general, maybe a bit vague, analysis. I hope to include a variety of topics - social, political, religious, academic, etc. - and simply provide my opinions, my thoughts, and my feelings, that I have developed through my life experiences. I have never once thought to post about my opinions and my realizations before. This will be a new and exciting challenge for me, and I hope to have you along for the ride as I let my thoughts be known.

Welcome to Southern Belle Writes About.